Centre website updated

公開日 2019.02.13


Next Generation Tatara Co-Creation Centre website is available now. 

Introduction of Next Generation Tatara Co-Creation Centre:

In October 2018, the project called "Creation of a Global Base of Advanced Metallic Materials -Next Generation TATARA Project-" was adopted by the Cabinet Office for "Subsidy for Regional University / Regional Industry Creation" which Shimane prefecture applied for and Shimane University participates in.

In the "Next Generation TATARA Project" at Shimane University, we will create "the ‘Shimane’ sacred ground of advanced metal materials", hoping to inspire young people by promoting cutting-edge research with industry-government-academia collaboration, and developing specialized human resources. In the process of creation, we will make full use of the local strength which Shimane University and the companies in the area have been cultivating in the field of materials such as the special steel, winning the support and collaboration with/from universities both inside and outside of Japan, national research institutes, etc.

We named the centre "Next Generation Tatara Co-Creation Centre" after the traditional "Tatara iron-making" which has been passed down in Shimane area and still producing "Tamahagane"(steel made from iron sand), the material used in Japanese swords.

This centre and the industry-government-academia consortium will contribute to the regional industry creation with the support and cooperation with domestic and overseas universities and research institutes. 

