Research results
As of March, 2025
●Selected publications
Shown below are selected publications by NEXTA researchers during the Tatara Project since 2018. At NEXTA, both fundamental and applied research projects on metal materials are being conducted in cooperation with joint institutes such as the University of Oxford.
Zhong, A.; Lapointe, C.; Goryaeva, A.M.; Arakawa, K.; Athènes, M.; Marinica, M.C.; "Unraveling temperature-induced vacancy clustering in tungsten: from direct microscopy to atomistic insights via data-driven Bayesian sampling," PRX Energy, 4 (2025) 013008.
Manabe, N; Suzuki, AS; Ninagawa, M; Wakabayashi, H; Hirayama, N; Niinobe, K; Tang, YT; Utada, S; McCartney, DG; Reed, RC; Kitagawa, H: “Ultralow-Temperature Sintering of Titanium Powder by Spark Plasma Sintering under Cyclic Pressure,” Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (2024) 2400965.
Mukherjee, T; Shinjo, J; DebRoy, T; Panwisawas, C; “Integrated modeling to control vaporization-induced composition change during additive manufacturing of nickel-based superalloys,” npj Computational Materials, 10 (2024) 230.
Aliyu, AAA; Puncreobutr, C; Kuimalee, S; Phetrattanarangsi, T; Boonchuduang, T; Taweekitikul, P; Panwisawas, C; Shinjo, J; Lohwongwatana, B; “Laser-inherent porosity defects in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V implant: Formation, distribution, and effect on fatigue performance,” Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 30 (2024) 5121-5132.
Zhang, K; Chen, Y; Marussi, S; Fan, X; Fitzpatrick, M; Bhagavath, S; Majkut, M; Lukic, B; Jakata, K; Rack, A; Jones, MA; Shinjo, J; Panwisawas, C; Leung, CLA; Lee, PD; “Pore evolution mechanisms during directed energy deposition additive manufacturing,” Nature Communications, 15 (2024) 1715.
Shinjo, J; Kutsukake, A; Wakabayashi, H; Arakawa, K; Ogawara, A; Uchida, H; Panwisawas, C; Reed, RC; “In-process monitoring and direct simulation of Argon shielding gas and vapour dynamics to control laser-matter interaction in laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing,” Additive Manufacturing, 80 (2024) 103953.
Shibata, A; Miyamoto, G; Morito, S; Nakamura, A; Moronaga, T; Kitano, H; Gutierrez-Urrutia, I; Hara, T; Tsuzaki, K; “Substructure and crystallography of lath martensite in as-quenched interstitial-free steel and low-carbon steel,” Acta Materialia, 246 (2023) 118675.
Dai, G; Sun, Z; Li, Y; Jain, J; Bhowmik, A; Shinjo, J; Lu, J; Panwisawas, C; “Grain refinement and columnar to equiaxed transition of Ti6Al4V during additive manufacturing via different laser oscillations,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 189 (2023) 104031.
Shinjo, J; Kutsukake, A; Arote A; Tang, YT; McCartney, DG; Reed, RC; Panwisawas, C, “Physics-based thermal-chemical-fluid-microstructure modelling of in-situ alloying using additive manufacturing: Composition-microstructure control,” Additive Manufacturing, 64 (2023) 103428
Tang, YT; Pham, AH; Morito, S; McCartney, DG; Reed, RC, “On the solid-state dendritic growth of M7C3 carbide at interfaces in an austenitic system,” Scripta Materialia, 213 (2022) 114585
Shiojiri, D; Iida, T; Kakio, H; Yamaguchi, M; Hirayama, N; Imai, Y, “Enhancement of thermoelectric performance of Mg2Si via co-doping Sb and C by simultaneous tuning of electronic and thermal transport properties,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 891 (2022) 161968
Shinjo, J; Panwisawas, C, “Chemical species mixing during direct energy deposition of bimetallic systems using titanium and dissimilar refractory metals for repair and biomedical applications,” Additive Manufacturing, 51 (2022) 102654
Hara, T; Habe, M; Nakanishi, H; Fujimura, T; Sasai, R; Moriyoshi, C; Kawaguchi, S; Ichikuni, N; Shimazu, S, “Specific lift-up behaviour of acetate-intercalated layered yttrium hydroxide interlayer in water: application for heterogeneous Bronsted base catalysts toward Knoevenagel reactions,” Catalysis Science & Technology, 12 (2022) 2061-2070
Shinjo, J; Panwisawas, C, “Digital materials design by thermal-fluid science for multi-metal additive manufacturing,” Acta Materialia, 210 (2021) 116825
Panwisawas, C; Gong, YL; Tang, YT; Reed, RC; Shinjo, J, “Additive manufacturability of superalloys: Process-induced porosity, cooling rate and metal vapour,” Additive Manufacturing, 47 (2021) 102339
Arakawa, K; Marinica, MC; Fitzgerald, S; Proville, L; Duc, NM; Dudarev, SL; Ma, PW; Swinburne, TD; Goryaeva, AM; Yamada, T; Amino, T; Arai, S; Yamamoto, Y; Higuchi, K; Tanaka, N; Yasuda, H; Yasuda, T; Mori, H, “Quantum de-trapping and transport of heavy defects in tungsten,” Nature Materials, 19 (2020) 508-511
Du, JP; Geng, WT; Arakawa, K; Li, J; Ogata, S, “Hydrogen-Enhanced Vacancy Diffusion in Metals,” Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11 (2020) 7015-7020
Suzuki, A; Kitagawa, H; Ido, S; Pham, AH; Morito, S; Etoh, T; Kikuchi, K, “Microstructure control of Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3 thermoelectric material by pulse-current sintering under cyclic uniaxial pressure,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 742 (2018) 240-247
●Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research ( since 2018 )
- J. Shinjo, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B),Development of a novel spray simulator and elucidation of spray formation mechanisms based on ISS atomization experiments,April 2018 to March 2020
- J. Shinjo, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Numercal simulation of aero-engine performance improvement by the newly-developed atomization and transcritical evaporation model, April 2020 to March 2023
●Consignment research
2018 3 subjects 16,681 k yen
2019 2 subjects 1,616 k yen
2020 2 subjects 4,869 k yen
2021 5 subjects 12,677 k yen
2022 4 subjects 18,470 k yen
●Joint research
2018 6 subjects 13,481 k yen
2019 7 subjects 70,783 k yen
2020 6 subjects 49,333 k yen
2021 10 subjects 81,014 k yen
2022 5 subjects 89,121 k yen