公開日 2020.12.28
On 16 December 2020, an online seminar was held connecting Shimane University, Matsue Minami High School, Professor Roger Reed, Director of NEXTA, and Dr Tony Tang of the University of Oxford. This lecture was specially arranged for the school which is designated as a Super Science High School (SSH) by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
In the lecture titled ‘Alloys-by-Design: New Superalloys for Additive Manufacturing’, the basics of cutting-edge technology and research was introduced, such as images of 3D printing to make jet engine parts, characterisation with electron microscopy, computational modeling, etc. At the end of lecture, there was a question-and-answer session and some of the 98 participants asked questions about research on iron rust that they conduct at the high school, as well as the contents of the lecture.
Being requested to give messages to the high school students, Dr Tang told the students what is like to work and do research at the laboratory in Oxford, and Professor Reed encouraged the students to work hard, be ambitious, and be inspired to change the world for the better.
※An article about this webinar appeared in a local newspaper on 19 December 2020.
Matsue Minami High School SSH website (in Japanese): Click here

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