Motor Project Research Report Meeting and the Tatara Centre Meeting

公開日 2020.03.05


On 28 February 2020, we held a research report meeting for the Motor Project at Shimane University with our collaborating universities and research institutes. The researchers from NEXTA, Next Generation Tatara Co-Creation Centre, collaborating researchers from Japanese universities and institutes, and other project-related people attended the meeting, presenting and listening the status report of the on-going research. This time, our Director, Professor Reed and other researchers from the University of Oxford were not able to visit Japan unfortunately because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. After the presentations, the attendees exchanged opinions and discussed the tasks to solve the problems and future possibilities of the research. We are anticipating that more and more outcomes will be achieved in cooperation with our partner institutes.
Aside from the report meeting, we had a TV meeting with the members of the University of Oxford on the management of NEXTA. We are planning to accelerate our project management and research for the coming new academic year.




研究・地方創生部 研究推進課